Monday, December 5, 2011

this look

so. i wrote this post while boarding my flight, and so i was supposed to post it then, but it seemed like the wifi was not good enough to provide an internet connection. sad.

talking about this look of mine which turns to be, mm, young. which i dont know in a positive or negative way.

-when i first met my daddy's friend in singapore-
uncle chen : so which school are you going to, pinky?
me : MDIS
u : huh? you mean the university?
m : yes ..
u : oh, i thought you're going to secondary school.
m : mm. ha. ha.

-on going for internship interviews-
imelda :  yea so pinky, make sure you put on some make up, to make you look a bit mature.
me : alright
i : so that you dont look so, you know, so young. just try to look more mature and convincing.
m : erm. alright. 
i : because you look so young.
m : em. yea. okay.

ryan : so how old are you this year?
me : nineteen?
r : whoa really?
m : yeaa
r : but you dont look like nineteen. i think in our class its only you who look seventeen.
m : mmm alriiight.

-at airasia document check counter-
staff : so, pinky is your real name?
me : yea
s : like seriously?
m : yeaaa. why?
s : nah. it just sounds like ..
m : like fake?
s : hahaha i didnt say that. its just like ..
m : like .. ?
s : like a cute name, you know, like some disney characters.
m : disney? hahahaa.
s : how old are you pinky?
m : nineteen?
s : really?
m : yeaa, really
s : hmm. cos you know, you cant travel alone under sixteen.
m : ha, what, do i look like under sixteen?
s : *studying my face* possible. really. haha.
m : hhookaayy.
s : hahaha. alright pinky, the boarding is 9.15 so you better be there at 9 and dont be late, kay?
m : alright, thankyou!

am i supposed to be happy that people think i look so young?
oh man. am i not supposed to have the mature and, you know, the i-got-everything-handled look?
what, am i going to be a grandma who look like a young adult in the next 50 years?

1 comment:

simple mom said...

you are a lucky girl you young and cute...

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