Sunday, October 2, 2011

gone random

so, third day of allergy.
woke up by mommy's call this morning. what a nice start of the day :)
my skin has gotten better than yesterday. but sometimes still itchy a bit here and there. has taken anti allergic this afternoon. mm. so stay at home again today. i've tried to work on my law assignment, but i only managed to do a bit. hehe. think i gotta find textbooks tomorrow. oh hopefully i will be fully recovered tomorrow!
had breadtalk (again) today. didnt feel like having rice. or noodles. or anything that is 'dirty'. mm i dont know. i just feel, like, yuck. yeah i know its kinda weird.
feel like eating banana fritters. hahaha! so random.
anyway, had breadtalk's wholewheat cranberry this afternoon, and to my surprise, it was like, wow! nice nice nice. though its a bit rubbery, or hard to chew, but i love it :D the cranberry just gave a perfect touch to the wheat. gotta buy another tomorrow! :D
loving adhitia sofyan's hits. he is awesome! listening to his music in the middle of allergy day like this has altered my attention from my itchy, burning red skin. i shared them to my mom and she loves it too! haha.
okay, i really really got nothing to do. and im bored.

shoo shoo, you allergy.

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