Saturday, October 31, 2009

22:58 pm

hey there :)

this afternoon i went to sgu with my friends to do the entrance test. i was in the same room with some of them so i didn't feel so alone :)

the first test was math. i could answer 8 out of 10 essay questions and i had 2 numbers blank. but i'm not really sure that all of my answers were right. just hope they were right :)

the next one was english. it was not really difficult but i had to pay much attention when reading the questions because the sentences were quite long. but overall i didn't find much difficulty.

and the last one was assesment. i think some of the questions were weird hahahah. but it was the most interesting test to me.

you know, this is an interesting experience for me. i mean, hey! i'm going to go to a university soon! gosh, i'm gonna be a grown-up! i'll be wearing whatever i want to school and i'll take care of myself and people will treat me as an adult. oh oh oh.

in one side, i'm really excited. i'm facing a new progress of my life. and i can't wait to go to univ. i wanna know how it feels :) i think it feels pretty good and really cool and really fun. and you can do whatever you want. and wear whatever you want :)

but in the other side, i feel worried too. i mean, what if i failed? what if they reject me? what if i've chosen the wrong univ? what if i'm not happy? what if it's not as fun as i thought? what if it's not like what i expected? what if i'm dissapointed?

oh oh oh. my head is just full. almost overloaded i think. i just can't answer that what-if questions. all i can do is hoping and praying that everything is good.

will you pray for me?

thank you :)

good night :)


Unknown said...

heii.. it's me derry, from goethe.. :)
hmm.. your post sounds interesting..
sgu then... what faculty will you take then?
as a sgu student, i am telling you that sgu is just exactly the same as high school... don't worry about that, your english is good too, so you don't seem have any problem with that..
ohh yes.. new progres in your life.. that's true that you're already grown up (even though your height doesn't tell the same.. hehehehe..)

pinky said...

hey derry! :D
omg i miss goethe so so much!hehehe
short is beautiful you know :)

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