Wednesday, December 2, 2009

5:09 pm

hey :)
feels like ages i haven't touched this :)

there are so so many things in my mind right now.

well. i'm going to leave my homeland.
leaving something makes you think backward of things you have done, things you have got. and i just realized that this homeland had given me everything.

family. friends. love. hope. faith. home. air. water. food. education. soul. life.

i've spent my 17 years of life right here.
and i'm going to leave all of em.
just can't believe it.

you know, i got no idea of what will happen there in the next destination of my life. will i get such things i got here? what will i face? will i survive?

i do believe people telling me don't worry. and i'll try my best not to.
and i guess i won't waste my time here :)

please prepare me, Father.

see you later! :)

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