Sunday, December 25, 2011


well yeah so. its been a while since the last time im playing around in the blogging world. so welcome me back!

the previous post showed you how i was thinking about closing down this blog but seemed like i still feel like blabbing in english at times, so. yeah. and blogspot does me good with its image inserting. which does not get me a headache like what wordpress does sometimes. so i think for this time around, i'll just keep it open.

anyway, this is christmas day and luckily its my day off. i dont think i've told you before but i've started my internship just this week and it is truly awesome. like damn fun. i dont know, it just goes beyond my expectation. my colleagues are such great fun people to work with. my supervisor is probably the kindest guy in the whole singapore. he buys us breakfast sometimes, and makes sure we all have already eaten before he eats. we call him daddy. my operation manager, who plays as the big boss in our day-to-day operation, has a kind of swagger in her, and put on a really good makeup. i mean really good. may not be my makeup preference though, but she puts them on really neat and they just flatter her look. and they are all funny. like totally funny. we laugh a lot at work. there was just not a day without jokes and laughter.

what i do everyday is basically what the butlers do, which should be obvious as im doing my intern as a butler. since my workplace is a new baby company of a very big hotel, we only have slightly more than 20 staffs running the company, and butlers simply do almost everything, except housekeeping (THX GOD), concierge, security, sales, and engineering. aside from butlers stuffs, we also cover front office, and sometimes f&b at breakfast. and it was fun. at least for me.

i personally adore my workplace. besides the great people at work, and great physical environment, this company has a great reputation in their services. it started with rank 30something when it was first opened back in june this year, and has flew up to rank 4 recently. i mean, 26 ranks up in 6 months? totally impressive.

and so, i lift up all gratitude and praise for my Father up above for indeed turning a mess into a message. i was rejected in other companies like several times before, remember? and it brought me dark sky for some times. but looking back, if i got the job at one of those companies, i would not end up with this great people. i would end up working behind a front desk with tension every single second of everyday. not saying that front desk is bad, its good, but i think my job is better. you know, personal preference. no hard feeling. i would not end up being introduced to guests and really chatting with them. and playing with their babies. and be known to guests with my own name.

i dont know how things will go from here. what they lead to. but im certain that my Father is totally truly awesome. and He would make everything awesome for me. like what i said on the first day when the HR post my photo and quote my sayings and email them to everybody in the team, i am here to have an awesome experience. and it comes to me.

so stay tune for coming up updates from this miss butler :)
oh, and merry christmas everybody! have a great one!

1 comment:

simple mom said...

so happy that you enjoy your internship.. good luck and keep up the smart job..

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