Saturday, January 21, 2012

on the modeling

everytime i visit this blog (yes i do visit my own blog :P) i feel so sad. this blog looks like an orphan whose parents left on the street. poor thing. :(

sorry blooogggg :D
your momma is back!

lets catch up with the recent highlight. which was the talents and model agency.
so i was wandering around at ion that day before my afternoon shift work. was waiting for erik to come so i could pass her the present for our cell group's birthday, which fell on my working day. i was craving for a bubble tea so i made my way downstairs to the basement and bought a cup of each-a-cup. on the way back to the mrt exit, a lady in checked shirt and jeans stopped me. she introduced her name and gave me her name card, which showed that she was from this talents and models agency. she asked how old am i and i said nineteen. and she said she thought i was only 15. oh well. she asked whether im interested to be a model for print ads, tv ads, and many other kind of ads, and i answered i was not sure. she noted down my name and number and promised that the agency will give me a call. it was kind of funny as while she was talking so excitedly, all i did was looking at her and slurping my bubble tea like nobody's business. ha!

and so, apparently she was not lying. or selling empty promises. cause few days later i got a call from somebody in the agency who invited me for an interview. i thought that it didnt hurt to go on my day off, so i did. their office was at the city and easy to find. im a very map-blinded person, so if i say something is easy to find, it is easy to find. hehehe.

there was another girl coming for interview. and she has this model look. you know, those tall skinny with long straight hair. sitting beside her made me feel like i have come to a wrong agency. like i should've come to some children model agency for toddlers milk ads or something. so this guy came and we entered a small room for the interview. it ran smoothly and nicely, with him liking me and me liking the job prospect i was going to have. he kept on saying that i have a unique look, cheerful characteristics, and that he was looking for someone like me (for the agency. not for him. doh!). i was kind of interested with the projects and what i was going to have by joining the agency. their clients are big big companies in singapore, and so the prospect is good. i was assured that i would join them and have a great time.

and then, he told me that to be their model, i have to make a photo card (or whatever the name is) to be given to their clients for projects. and to make photo cards they would need to arrange the studio, makeup artist, and etc etc regarding the photoshoot. and it cost around $2000. the good news was that the company would subsidize $1200. what about the other $800? well thats the bad news. we -the model- have to pay for that.

the moment he revealed it, i was totally turned off. he tried to talk me into it by saying that im not paying to the agency, but to the studio. guess what. i dont care. im not paying for anybody. $800 was not cheap. well at least for me. and i was not that into modelling for ads to pay that amount. i'd rather spend it on other things which are more important and essential. im not going to gamble my $800 for a part time job. and hello, should i not get paid instead of paying for a job? if its only like $50, i would consider it. seriously. but $800 was a bit too much, dont you think? and so i turned the offer off, reasoning it was expensive and that my parents wanted me to focus on my internship instead of playing around with this modeling thingy. of course i said it nicely as not to disappoint him even more. he looked very disappointed and even asked for second interview. but i was done. another interview would not change my decision. final. sorryyyy.

actually im still very interested in this kind of thing. like modeling for ads. it sounds really fun! :D

p.s.: and it also proves that my height does not prevent me from being a model :D kekeke.


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