Tuesday, January 31, 2012

so do not underestimate me

i am small, but i do big.
i am short, but i perform high.
i have lack of height and size, but i definitely have no lack of quality.

some people just like to underestimate me in the first glance. and it has happened like idk-how-many-times already. like in my whole life. destiny? nah. just not a very fascinating fact :P

i know exactly what they're thinking just by looking at the way they respond to my questions or the way they look at me. they think i am just a little girl who is still too young and unstable and unreliable and incapable to handle a job. they may also think that im just acting like im capable when im actually not. and sometimes they would ignore me like im a form of a fly flying free in the air. or talk to me like i have no authority. not cool. either way, i do not care any longer now. whatever it is they think, let it be. like i caarreee.

whoa? really dont care? reallyyyyy? emm not really. hahaha! okay i dont care because at certain point, its always them who would stop and look. and start to notice that there is something they missed. something they overlooked. which is ME. and then they would start trying to read me. or bribe me with chocolates (mr. C? :P) who am i actually? what have i really got? and then, they know better. that yes, i am capable. i am qualified. and above all, i am sincere. and trust me on this, you dont get to find sincere people so easily here.

so sometimes, you just dont have to underestimate me.

oh i hate nagging in blog but this is what i've been holding back for quite a while. and i dont even mean to nag though, i just want a record of what im feeling and how i view this thing.

anyway, im so super sleepy.
im off the screen now.
goodnight, world.

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