Wednesday, October 19, 2011


so before the news got rotten, let me blab here for a while :)
yesterday, october 18th 2011 (which turned to be my mommy's birthday) was the d-day of my first ever interview! woohoo!

the day started with me waking up at 9, ironing my white shirt and black skirt, then preparing my dancing gear for talent time audition later evening. went online before finally preparing my documents to bring along to the interview. since i was meeting kamil and albert at 1 (yes we were called for interview at the same time), i started making my hair into bun at 11.30. and i gotta put a lot of effort in it. i finally made it into bun anyway (though still messy kamil said) and polish my head with roomie's olive oil hihihi. i then put on my makeup, with little mess here and there after i struck my eyes with that bloody liquid eyeliner. managed to go out without being late.

had carls jr. for lunch. the burger was the size of my face. hell yeah. full, went to toilet to polish my hair (again) and my lipstick. i did actually wear a lipstick! (which was going to betray me later). we finally made our way to conrad hotel, where i would be interviewed for the first time.

so the incident happened. i was straightening my shirt when i looked down and ... ouch! I STAINED MY WHITE SHIRT WITH MY BLOODY LIPSTICK! i cried and i shouted and i hated myself. ran to toilet and scrubbed it with water, which did not work. at all. !#%$!$%#%#$@%.
so i had to walked in to my interview ... with a lips on my shirt. and. that. is. not. good.

there were unexpectedly 3 series of interviews with different people from different positions, instead of only 1. but it was amazing how i did not feel nervous in each and every one (thanks Father!). i just spat out what was on my mind and everything turned out okay, despite my lips on my shirt. the people were nice and we had good conversations, i guess.

hoping for the best :)

kay, need to go to bed now.
goodnight, world :D

p.s.: (my dance team) got into final! woohoo!

1 comment:

simple mom said...

you CAN Do it your best and keep praying..

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