Saturday, January 22, 2011


goodmorning people!

just woke up. having breakfast with roomie : baby muffins and milk.
well, NOTHING beats my mommy's baby muffins! yeah so im kinda craving for them right now.

so so so.
classbuddies and i went for outing at sentosa 2 days ago :D we played volleyball, when i unbelievably could do the service haha. my secondary sport teacher must be proud of me, since i have always been a volleyball moron.

then, we jumped into the water. okay, its actually they throw me into the water. three times (!). and they seemed like enjoying it to the max. do you know that sea water is incredibly salty? hoeks! wet and sticky like stupid fish.

and this stupid fish did not bring any extra shirt. let alone extra undies. scenes of taking train with water dripping along the way came to mind like indonesian horror movie HAHAHA. i was figuring out what to do when kenny offered his extra shirt for me. a very nice of him, since his own shirt was all wet like mine. thanks buddy! :)

i swear to the universe i would never ever forget to bring extra clothes the next time i go to any beach or any place that has large amount of water. just in case my buddies found pleasure of throwing me into the water. and i do not want, even one more time, to have to go home in wet pants. its terribly cold i wish i could heat it up using hairdryer *.*

but that was TOTALLY FUN! :D
im looking forward to the next outing :)

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