Tuesday, November 16, 2010

what else could be more alive?

started today with the ring of wake-up alarm. i was delighted with high level of joy as i recall that today is holiday. what a nice nice moment of life. it is really a joyous moment watching your roommates preparing to go to school, while you are free to dig out your bed for another 24 hours :D

oops, you just missed something. submission date of all assignments is on the corner! better do it fast, you lazy head. so i opened my laptop, typed and typed and typed and done, finally. what to do next? oh, wash your sticky bedhead hair.

nothing much on tv. only the same swimming competition where people jump into the water and curl their bodies like jellyfish. guys, you were created to live ON land, you know.

thanks god its tuesday. no choice other than some exercise. dance club! what time? oh oh. had another appointment already! my apologies, see ya next week class, muach.

surfing the food blog always tickles my crave. ooh i just can smell it hmm. next page next page til page forty-something, glance at the clock. ouch, time to prepare already.

why is it always drizzling when im going to go out? dont disturb the sleeping beauty umbrella, so just hit the road, big guy. entering the bookshop, buy cd for assignment. rushing up to library, oh oh why so many people have the same plan of printing today? going down, grab some honeydew from my favourite fruit stall (since theres only one fruit stall there).

calling up my friend ... why never pick up? oh, she got no battery. meet her at the canteen.

hungry belly ruins your day. go out in one umbrella in the drizzle for a hot meal was not really a bad idea. except if you slipped and fallen off the stairs. no big deal? fatty deal for my poor little elbow. she wont like some shocking red lipsticks. *.*

wow, the food is just cooked only, nice thing on a rainy day. watch how you place your elbow, its fragile today. want some dessert? go buy some more honeydew.

hais. the rain poured even more heavier. a typhoon? might be. stuck in the middle of the foodcourt. well, no choice. go back inside for a girls chit chat with some hot chocolate. keep in mind : no more milk tonight.

yeah, maybe shes right. gotta get some medicine for my poor elbow. lets just hit the rain! lucky the market is nearby. an antiseptic cream from a kindhearted uncle. you doing good? continue the journey.

on rainy days like this, home always seems long long in the far end of the world. reached already, wet wet wet aaalll through the way. gotta wash my hair again. ouuch this elbow is just crying.

long hot bath is always the best. feeling good? instantly. some more food blog surfing would makes it perfect. honeydew on the side, quite a pretty little me-time around here.

wow the phones ringing. a friend is going to come see you. give you some ointment? veeeryyyy paaaaiinn. back home with a weak jelly elbow. said to be even more black tomorrow. *.* but thanks anyway, a very kind of you.

puffy eyes coming already.
goodnight, world.

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