Sunday, March 28, 2010

wow wow wow

hello there!
i'm just back to the blogspot world :)
well actually i've been drowning in tumblr recently, sorry :)

wow wow wow.
many things happened and hopes became reality!

on february 27th i finally took the ielts test. it was a really challenging thing to me for it was one big step for my small feet to reach the brightness of my future. it was a history!
guess what fellas? i got 7! s-e-v-e-n :) thank you so much, Father :)

and i just finished the scream-from-the-lungs scenes of national exams, it was like, the time of my life, but in a different meaning. the time of my life when it seemed like i needed to fight for everything, in anytime.
but the point is, it's all over :) and i really hope at the time they will pronounce me as one of the graduated. pray for me ya :)

i still wanna share many more, but i gotta go with my parents now, so see ya later! :)

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