Sunday, February 7, 2010

NOT a freak geek

huh-hah smell of blog :)
i'm back! after almost 2 months escaped from the technology called internet :)

well. national exams are waiting there impatiently so i need to be ready to face them.
i'm blogging to neutralize my mind and keep normal and convince myself that almost every night sleeping with the exam preparation book doesn't turn me into a freak geek. i still have a world, baby. and i'm going to rock it soon, wait and see :)

pinky together with ex prep book, reports from the full-of-books-and-test-paper-that-i-can't-find-my-pencil desk.
well, still-not-a-freak-geek-i-am.

it will all be worth it in the end. areta's~

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