Sunday, April 18, 2010

kung fu on sunday

good morning, people!
sunday morning sun is shining :)

okay, then. today will be a tiring day, since i gotta prepare everything for tomorrow's dancing practical test. you wanna know my theme?


yeah kung fu just like in kung fu panda :) thought it was gonna be fun but think it is quite complicated.
but nobody can stops me from doing this, show me what you got, pinky! :)

everybody was kung fu fighting teng teng teng teng teng
those kids were fast as lightning
in fact it was a little bit fright'ning
but they were experts timing

be a pinky kung fu! yeahh

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i like it..and that's one of my fav song when i was a teen..diso time...hahahha...

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