Wednesday, May 2, 2012


now i know that polygamy is not easy peasy. took me a year to learn though. i was too confident that i'll do just fine maintaining two blogs at the same time.

but lesson learned. im not fair enough, im not dilligent enough to post on both. and i always end up posting in my wordpress, cos i like the font better. sorry, blogspot.

i know this is sad, but lets think positive, k? probably by posting in the new blog only, i've got no reason not to blog anymore. yea!

thank you blogspot, for being such a good listener to my blabs. i'll visit you once in a while :)
see ya next time!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

so do not underestimate me

i am small, but i do big.
i am short, but i perform high.
i have lack of height and size, but i definitely have no lack of quality.

some people just like to underestimate me in the first glance. and it has happened like idk-how-many-times already. like in my whole life. destiny? nah. just not a very fascinating fact :P

i know exactly what they're thinking just by looking at the way they respond to my questions or the way they look at me. they think i am just a little girl who is still too young and unstable and unreliable and incapable to handle a job. they may also think that im just acting like im capable when im actually not. and sometimes they would ignore me like im a form of a fly flying free in the air. or talk to me like i have no authority. not cool. either way, i do not care any longer now. whatever it is they think, let it be. like i caarreee.

whoa? really dont care? reallyyyyy? emm not really. hahaha! okay i dont care because at certain point, its always them who would stop and look. and start to notice that there is something they missed. something they overlooked. which is ME. and then they would start trying to read me. or bribe me with chocolates (mr. C? :P) who am i actually? what have i really got? and then, they know better. that yes, i am capable. i am qualified. and above all, i am sincere. and trust me on this, you dont get to find sincere people so easily here.

so sometimes, you just dont have to underestimate me.

oh i hate nagging in blog but this is what i've been holding back for quite a while. and i dont even mean to nag though, i just want a record of what im feeling and how i view this thing.

anyway, im so super sleepy.
im off the screen now.
goodnight, world.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

on the modeling

everytime i visit this blog (yes i do visit my own blog :P) i feel so sad. this blog looks like an orphan whose parents left on the street. poor thing. :(

sorry blooogggg :D
your momma is back!

lets catch up with the recent highlight. which was the talents and model agency.
so i was wandering around at ion that day before my afternoon shift work. was waiting for erik to come so i could pass her the present for our cell group's birthday, which fell on my working day. i was craving for a bubble tea so i made my way downstairs to the basement and bought a cup of each-a-cup. on the way back to the mrt exit, a lady in checked shirt and jeans stopped me. she introduced her name and gave me her name card, which showed that she was from this talents and models agency. she asked how old am i and i said nineteen. and she said she thought i was only 15. oh well. she asked whether im interested to be a model for print ads, tv ads, and many other kind of ads, and i answered i was not sure. she noted down my name and number and promised that the agency will give me a call. it was kind of funny as while she was talking so excitedly, all i did was looking at her and slurping my bubble tea like nobody's business. ha!

and so, apparently she was not lying. or selling empty promises. cause few days later i got a call from somebody in the agency who invited me for an interview. i thought that it didnt hurt to go on my day off, so i did. their office was at the city and easy to find. im a very map-blinded person, so if i say something is easy to find, it is easy to find. hehehe.

there was another girl coming for interview. and she has this model look. you know, those tall skinny with long straight hair. sitting beside her made me feel like i have come to a wrong agency. like i should've come to some children model agency for toddlers milk ads or something. so this guy came and we entered a small room for the interview. it ran smoothly and nicely, with him liking me and me liking the job prospect i was going to have. he kept on saying that i have a unique look, cheerful characteristics, and that he was looking for someone like me (for the agency. not for him. doh!). i was kind of interested with the projects and what i was going to have by joining the agency. their clients are big big companies in singapore, and so the prospect is good. i was assured that i would join them and have a great time.

and then, he told me that to be their model, i have to make a photo card (or whatever the name is) to be given to their clients for projects. and to make photo cards they would need to arrange the studio, makeup artist, and etc etc regarding the photoshoot. and it cost around $2000. the good news was that the company would subsidize $1200. what about the other $800? well thats the bad news. we -the model- have to pay for that.

the moment he revealed it, i was totally turned off. he tried to talk me into it by saying that im not paying to the agency, but to the studio. guess what. i dont care. im not paying for anybody. $800 was not cheap. well at least for me. and i was not that into modelling for ads to pay that amount. i'd rather spend it on other things which are more important and essential. im not going to gamble my $800 for a part time job. and hello, should i not get paid instead of paying for a job? if its only like $50, i would consider it. seriously. but $800 was a bit too much, dont you think? and so i turned the offer off, reasoning it was expensive and that my parents wanted me to focus on my internship instead of playing around with this modeling thingy. of course i said it nicely as not to disappoint him even more. he looked very disappointed and even asked for second interview. but i was done. another interview would not change my decision. final. sorryyyy.

actually im still very interested in this kind of thing. like modeling for ads. it sounds really fun! :D

p.s.: and it also proves that my height does not prevent me from being a model :D kekeke.


Sunday, December 25, 2011


well yeah so. its been a while since the last time im playing around in the blogging world. so welcome me back!

the previous post showed you how i was thinking about closing down this blog but seemed like i still feel like blabbing in english at times, so. yeah. and blogspot does me good with its image inserting. which does not get me a headache like what wordpress does sometimes. so i think for this time around, i'll just keep it open.

anyway, this is christmas day and luckily its my day off. i dont think i've told you before but i've started my internship just this week and it is truly awesome. like damn fun. i dont know, it just goes beyond my expectation. my colleagues are such great fun people to work with. my supervisor is probably the kindest guy in the whole singapore. he buys us breakfast sometimes, and makes sure we all have already eaten before he eats. we call him daddy. my operation manager, who plays as the big boss in our day-to-day operation, has a kind of swagger in her, and put on a really good makeup. i mean really good. may not be my makeup preference though, but she puts them on really neat and they just flatter her look. and they are all funny. like totally funny. we laugh a lot at work. there was just not a day without jokes and laughter.

what i do everyday is basically what the butlers do, which should be obvious as im doing my intern as a butler. since my workplace is a new baby company of a very big hotel, we only have slightly more than 20 staffs running the company, and butlers simply do almost everything, except housekeeping (THX GOD), concierge, security, sales, and engineering. aside from butlers stuffs, we also cover front office, and sometimes f&b at breakfast. and it was fun. at least for me.

i personally adore my workplace. besides the great people at work, and great physical environment, this company has a great reputation in their services. it started with rank 30something when it was first opened back in june this year, and has flew up to rank 4 recently. i mean, 26 ranks up in 6 months? totally impressive.

and so, i lift up all gratitude and praise for my Father up above for indeed turning a mess into a message. i was rejected in other companies like several times before, remember? and it brought me dark sky for some times. but looking back, if i got the job at one of those companies, i would not end up with this great people. i would end up working behind a front desk with tension every single second of everyday. not saying that front desk is bad, its good, but i think my job is better. you know, personal preference. no hard feeling. i would not end up being introduced to guests and really chatting with them. and playing with their babies. and be known to guests with my own name.

i dont know how things will go from here. what they lead to. but im certain that my Father is totally truly awesome. and He would make everything awesome for me. like what i said on the first day when the HR post my photo and quote my sayings and email them to everybody in the team, i am here to have an awesome experience. and it comes to me.

so stay tune for coming up updates from this miss butler :)
oh, and merry christmas everybody! have a great one!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

should i?

alright, so. i kind of hate to say it, but seems like i have to admit it anyway. 

we all know i've been maintaining two blogs in the last few months. that other blog was basically in the same concept as this one. as a blabbing space. the only difference is the language. i thought.

i dont know if i thought wrong. geez its getting serious now. since that blog is maintained in bahasa, which is my mother tongue and therefore my first language, i couldnt ignore the fact that i feel more comfortable blabbing there, even if slightly. i used to try to bridge the gap by telling the stories twice, in both languages, on both blogs. but it was not an easy maintanance. 

the thing is actually a form of laziness and lacking of mood. since i have told the story once, more often than not, the mood just blows away and i dont have any more nerves to retell. 

so it came to mind. should i just close this blog?
ah, i dont know.

Monday, December 5, 2011

this look

so. i wrote this post while boarding my flight, and so i was supposed to post it then, but it seemed like the wifi was not good enough to provide an internet connection. sad.

talking about this look of mine which turns to be, mm, young. which i dont know in a positive or negative way.

-when i first met my daddy's friend in singapore-
uncle chen : so which school are you going to, pinky?
me : MDIS
u : huh? you mean the university?
m : yes ..
u : oh, i thought you're going to secondary school.
m : mm. ha. ha.

-on going for internship interviews-
imelda :  yea so pinky, make sure you put on some make up, to make you look a bit mature.
me : alright
i : so that you dont look so, you know, so young. just try to look more mature and convincing.
m : erm. alright. 
i : because you look so young.
m : em. yea. okay.

ryan : so how old are you this year?
me : nineteen?
r : whoa really?
m : yeaa
r : but you dont look like nineteen. i think in our class its only you who look seventeen.
m : mmm alriiight.

-at airasia document check counter-
staff : so, pinky is your real name?
me : yea
s : like seriously?
m : yeaaa. why?
s : nah. it just sounds like ..
m : like fake?
s : hahaha i didnt say that. its just like ..
m : like .. ?
s : like a cute name, you know, like some disney characters.
m : disney? hahahaa.
s : how old are you pinky?
m : nineteen?
s : really?
m : yeaa, really
s : hmm. cos you know, you cant travel alone under sixteen.
m : ha, what, do i look like under sixteen?
s : *studying my face* possible. really. haha.
m : hhookaayy.
s : hahaha. alright pinky, the boarding is 9.15 so you better be there at 9 and dont be late, kay?
m : alright, thankyou!

am i supposed to be happy that people think i look so young?
oh man. am i not supposed to have the mature and, you know, the i-got-everything-handled look?
what, am i going to be a grandma who look like a young adult in the next 50 years?

Monday, November 28, 2011


whoa seems like i havent seen you for ages, my poor little blog!

quick updates :

1. i got the job at C residence by RP hotel, as a butler :) and im starting on 12 next month. EXCITED!
2. im flying home next wednesday, only for 5 days. basically to attend teppy's graduation. well, i cant miss the best graduate's ceremony, right? :D
3. i got my best birthday this year! hahaha.
4. i just got my starbucks card :D and found out i could redeem a complimentary beverage AND a complimentary birthday cake since this month is my birthday month. yippie!
5. i danced in soaked hair and tshirt and pants and shoes today. i was cold all day long. not good. hope i dont fall sick tomorrow.
6. im loving mr.bean's cheese pancake to bits!!
7. i just did my first bible study quiz yesterday. its been long since the last time i did a quiz. haha.
8. im sleepy. time to dig my bed.

goodnight, world.